Friday, February 1, 2013

15th August 2012

Maumere, Flores. The whole island has 700km length in roads, but they're very curly, and the cars are slow. No problem with accomodation, there's always someone helpful. Only today we weren't that lucky, here many people say the word "money" waiting for a donation -it happens in touristic places, where tourists want to "help" the locals. Eventually we end up sleeping in a church. Plan for tomorros -hitch a flight, to Kupang, if it's anywhere possible it must be possible in Indonesia. If we don't manage -we'll go for the ferry from Larantuka. The information we're receiving about the ferries to Timor are a bit irritating, everyone is saying something else it's all misleading. Someone said before that the ferries go daily, apparently it seems it just twice a week. We have to leave Indonesia by the end of next week, so in Kupang we're gonna look for a boat to Australi, or most likely organize a visa for East Timor. Hitchhicking is easy, but as anywhere else in Asia - it's good too make sure the ride is for free.

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