Saturday, February 2, 2013

25th December 2012

Devonport, Tasmania. Christmas with my family - uncle, auntie, cousin. The blog was supposed to be about hitch-hicking to Australia, so I could say my "mission" is finished. Almost 22 traveling months, frankly speaking I want more. I regret the value of traveling is not appreciated in Poland. This time was much more fruitfull for me, than the time I had spend studying. It's a multidimensional experience. I have learned (basics) of new languages, and practiced the ones I already know. One becomes to learn himself. It's an experience truly enriching spiritually, broadening ones horizons, which allows to look at your country from a different perspective, see things that aren't working, appreciate other things, get some distance. It's hard to express how much richer I feel, it's an amazing investment for the whole life.
I can't say I feel proud of myself. Not just because I happened to get on flights hence I failed to accomplish my the whole thing by hitch-hicking. There is a lot that depends on luck a factor that doesn't depend on me - whereas the attitude in many cases is crucial. A lot depends on the help one receives, basically it all depends on that. And I have received a lot of help, which is also doesn't depend on me. How could I be proud of receiving help from others? I often had the feeling, that I should be the person helping, not the one receiving help. And I have a lot more understanding of people in need.
As the mission is finished, it might be the end of my travel, I am considering giving up writing. What's next? I intend to work for a while, a year, maybe two, hard to say, there might be not that much to write about. Later on... I used to think I would come back by flight to Europe. Hitch-hickers I've met -Maciej and Mike, who independently from each other are somewhere in Australia want to travel around the world. So they will probably sooner or later try crossing the Pacific. I might join them... but I might also go back to Asua first, there's so many countries there that I would want to visit... but maybe it will be "the end". I don't know, I just came to Australia. If I am to carry on traveling later on, I will -for sure approach taking flights, not everything has to be done "for free". And I have much more confidence to try doing things, crazy things...

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